As I stated near the beginning of the article, I wasn't looking for anything other than a glass of beer or two, followed by a trip to a friend's house. Sharon chose me. She had plenty of choices, but she deliberately and intentionally chose me. All these years later, it is still a mystery to me why she chose me. I was a complete stranger to her.
She sat down and began sharing some of her deepest anguishes (I did not discuss most of them in the article). She was troubled and so was I that night. I hope I was able to shine a little bit of light into her life the way she shined some into mine.
We didn't have sex the night we met, even though she wanted to. In a short time we grew fond of each other. We enjoyed each other's company. We had some good times together. Some involved sex, others did not.
Here are some examples:
When we started having sex we were both awake and sober.
I have a theory as to why she wanted to be nearly unconscious during sex. She was a retired sex worker. She had some difficult experiences. I don't think she was emotionally suited for that kind of work. I think she had some painful experiences with sex. I suspect that she considered sex something you offered a man if you wanted to keep him around. Since she didn't anticipate enjoying the act, she felt more comfortable being unconscious during the experience.
I find it rather flattering that she was prepared to go through such pain to keep me interested. I hope I was able to help her learn that sex does not have to be painful; it can even be pleasant.
If you read all the chapters in the story from beginning to end, you'll see how things went with us. I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to; it's a loooong story, it covers 10 years altogether.
Eventually, I had to let Sharon go. It wasn't easy, but I thought it was the right thing to do at that time. I now believe it was the wrong decision at the time, but what's done is done.