You and I seem to be of like mind. Our diverging views around the term "chicksplaining" are of minor import in the overall scheme of things.
I apply the term in response to someone (usually a female Feminist) who has made a reference to "mansplaining."
Here are a couple of typical examples:
I apply the term to a statement made by an individual woman when she makes a reference to "mansplaining." I don't apply the term to refer to women collectively - only to individual statements made by specific individuals. I do not intend it to be a general characterization of women.
I respect your choice to refrain from the use of the term.
Feminists apply the term "mansplain" as a means of categorically dismissing an argument presented by a man without having to present a substantive counterargument. Countering with a term like "chicksplaining" neutralizes the dismissal.
I am a patient man. When someone explains something to me that I am already familiar with, I listen politely. I don't consider it a major issue.