Womansplaining? Bah! The term is neither original nor creative. It's just plain dull and awkward. The term I prefer is chicksplaining. It isn't a term that I apply in a serious manner. I consider it a smart-alec retort. I am, after all, a born smart-alec. My wife once said that my father should have named me Alex. When she responds to one of my remarks by saying, "Okay, Alex!" I know exactly what she means.
I also like the alliterative quality of the term chicksplaining. The "cks" sound in "chicksplaining" matches the "x" sound in the term "explaining," the term from which it is derived.
As a man, my preferred response to an accusation of "mansplaining" is simple; I ignore it. It is of no consequence to me if someone accuses me of "mansplaining." It is the accuser's opinion, and she is entitled to it. The accusation has no influence over what I think, believe, say, or do.
If, in consequence, she decides I am a toxically masculine sexist misogynist, those accusations have exactly the same impact as the accusation of mansplaining - none whatsoever.
On the other hand, if someone were to say to me, "I feel like you are being condescending towards me," that would get my attention.
But as soon as she uses the term "mansplaining," she loses me.
You may consider me a toxically masculine sexist misogynist mansplainer if it pleases you to do so. I know who I am and what I am, and I am satisfied with myself. I will continue to think, believe, say, and do as I always have.
By the way, I don't hate feminists. I find them rather amusing.
Anyway, that's my sexplanation.