2 min readApr 16, 2022


“…most people are influenced by others and aren’t logical.”

“…and aren’t logical.”

Where is Mr. Spock when we need him?

“…influenced by others…”

That is absolutely true. Most people are what we refer to as “sheeple.” (sheep + people — derived from sheep’s reputation as followers.)

I still believe that “slut shaming” is predominantly an act of jealousy on the part of men and women. It may be less common for women to be jealous, but that is a driving force behind women who “slut shame” other women. They may be jealous that some women are daring enough to behave that way while they are not.

“Centuries teaching that women should remain virging until marriage…”

Why? What were the conditions and circumstances that generated the common practice of teaching women those things? What changes in conditions and circumstances produced the decline in those teachings as a common practice?

I would be hesitant to assume that a television show is historically accurate.




Good Natured Curmudgeon-Bastion of Defensiveness-Which reality is the real reality?