What is a “perfect binary?”
If a statement is consistent with Feminist ideology then it labels itself “Feminist” and I just read the label.
Feminism is an ideology that operates as the foundation for a movement whose aim is to advance what it participants consider to be the interests of women.
Feminist ideas are those that originate in Feminist scholarship or Feminist activism, or ideas that originate with those who label themselves Feminists.
It is a common practice for Feminists to express expectations with regard to men’s conduct, their conversational content, and even their thoughts. Feminists often assert that men are obligated to prioritize the interests represented by Feminism ahead of their own best interests. I recognize no obligation to do so.
The conversational prescriptions and proscriptions that are described in your article are consistent with those found in dozens of articles that are authored by writers who explicitly identify themselves as Feminists; they are not new to me.
I consider it worthwhile to invite other readers to consider that they are not obligated to conform to those expectations.
If you are interested, my perspective on Feminism is concisely summarized in this comment: