We meet again, MM. Greetings and salutations.
Men are not necessary to you. They are necessary to me because I am not interested in potentially existing. I aim to actually exist.
I am not surprised that you aspire to eliminate men; it is consistent with your previous comments. I imagine you realize the practical obstacles you face. You must be aware that men will strenuously resist your efforts. And men, you know, those guys who have managed to successfully oppress women for the past umpteen godzillion years, will probably be equally successful at thwarting their own extermination at your hands. Furthermore, there will probably be a substantial number of women who will join in resistance. I could name a few.
Even if you were successful in your final solution to the male question, subsequent generations of women may have a change of heart. There may be those who will balk at the prospect of committing infanticide against the male babies to whom they have just given birth. If some male children are permitted to reach adolescence, they may not go quietly to the gas chambers. The idea of a male purge is probably just a passing fantasy.
Nevertheless, I urge you to pursue your dream.
On the other hand, a talented science fiction writer might be able to construct a worthwhile novel about a single-sex society. It occurs to me that such a story has indeed been penned, Isaac Asimov's Solarians might offer an example.
Solaria is a planet populated by humans who have developed a serious aversion to personal contact with other humans. After a few millennia, they succeed in genetically engineering themselves to become self-reproducing hermaphrodites, eliminating the need for sexual contact. (giving new meaning to the expression, "Go f.... yourself.")
Since the genetically engineered Solarians are neither male nor female, it can be said that men no longer exist on Solaria. Of course, women no longer exist either. Would you consider that solution satisfactory?