3 min readJun 11, 2023


“… I won’t even be looking at your other recent comments.”

Warning: Don’t read this comment!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

“…good natured curmudgeon…”

That’s a good one! I’m definitely adding that to my bio-line.

“You are guy with some opinions.”

True, but they are not all my opinions. Some are the opinions of men with many years of training, experience, and expertise.

Earlier in this conversation, I drew upon the opinions of anthropologist and historian Ian Morris. I also cited archeologist Scott MacEachern.

More recently, I relied on the opinions of anthropologist Manvir Singh (writing in Aeon) and archeologist James Woodburn. I provided extensive excerpts from the Woodburn paper in this comment:

The authors cited each have several decades of study and experience in their fields. They are at least as qualified as you.

I am not asking you to take my word or anybody else’s for anything. I am expressing my thoughts and explaining how I arrive at them. I realize some of your ideas are different than mine.

I might add that in formulating my thoughts, I also consider what I have learned through decades of life experience.

Workplace Training

I, too, participated in many “training” sessions during my 30 or so working years. I enjoyed them. I earned a whole day’s pay for sitting in a comfortable chair, sipping coffee, and daydreaming. The coffee was free. After all, if they want me to stay awake during a training session, they can’t expect me to pay for the coffee.

I remember only one that was similar to what James experienced. They introduced a program called “Quality Through Participation.” I understood only vaguely what the program entailed, probably because I was not paying close attention (daydreaming again). I was familiar enough with the system to realize that once the initial enthusiasm wore off, everything would revert to the usual. And I was right.

You are right. Most people are not passionately devoted to dismantling the patriarchy.

In citing that article, I did not intend to “negate” anything. I was using it as a description of good leadership qualities.

“…it’s the general tenor of men on Medium..”

I am not “men on Medium.” I am Estwald. I am one of a kind.




Written by Estwald

Good Natured Curmudgeon-Which reality is the real reality?

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