There is no way for me to improve myself since I am already perfect.😎
I am who I am.
Okay. You win. I'm not perfect.
I never said that one should not improve oneself. Personally, however, I would not use feminists' expectations as a guide. I set my own standards and strive to achieve them. I do it for my personal benefit, not to attract women or to advance someone's social reform agenda.
I have zero emotional intelligence. My wife does most of the traditional household chores. Yet, we have been together for 30 years.
Bad advice? It is offered as an alternative. Each man who reads my comment can decide for himself whether it's good advice or bad advice, as you have decided for yourself.
I frequently read articles written by women explaining how difficult it is to find a man worthy of sharing her life. Why should men expect a different experience? Rather than strive to meet her standards, let her meet mine. Women state that men who meet their standards are scarce. Women who meet my standards are scarce. That's life.
As I indicated in my comment, a woman who is worthwhile to share my life with is indeed scarce. Finding her is like looking for a gemstone in a pile of rubble.
A woman who is worthy of sharing your life with is scarce. Striving to conform to others' expectations won't increase the worthiness of the female population. Sure, I can exert all the effort that you recommend and maybe a larger number of women would show interest in me - maybe. But, would they be worth the effort? Or, I can put the effort into searching for that gemstone.
I can look for quantity or I can choose to go for quality.
I chose quality and have cobbled together a sweet life.
If one is just looking for sexual encounters, then financial success is enough. One only needs to be able to afford the price of a prostitute.
The issue of whether or not to have children is one that a wise man would be sure to resolve before entering into a serious commitment.
What would I do if something went wrong? What if we split up? That happened. The person who I thought was my gemstone turned out to be fool's gold. She cheated and flew the coop to be with the man with whom she had been cheating. In less than one year I met my current wife, the genuine gem. We have been together for 30 years. I have no regrets. Here is a comment I wrote describing those circumstances:
It led to an extensive and productive conversation.
I am a successful cobbler. If your shoes need mending, bring them to me. My prices are low and will save you the expense of a new pair. That's also capitalism.
However since you seem to prefer quantity over quality, you probably buy cheaper shoes that are not mendable. You can afford a large quantity and replace them as needed.
"...anyone who refrains from putting some work into becoming a better person is suspect in my books."
What makes you think it matters where I fit into your books?