Sorry for the delay. I had matters to attend to.
I haven't formulated a definition. I can give examples. Examples can ultimately lead to a formal definition.
Claiming to be a footballer (soccer player?), misrepresenting one's age, wealth status, or basis of attraction are all examples of misrepresentations where objective harm has not occurred.
For how many years should someone go to prison for falsely claiming to be a footballer? What is the recommended prison term for misrepresenting one's age?
Misrepresenting one's contraceptive status, failing to disclose a transmissible disease, or misrepresenting one's relationship status can all produce objective harm. They may be prosecutable as fraud.
In the cases I have cited, both parties have agreed to a sexual encounter. Neither has expressed objection. An unconscious person is not able to express agreement or objection. Therefore, his or her objection is valid if expressed later, after becoming conscious.
When force or coercion is used, it can be assumed that the one subjected to the coercion is objecting. The use of force or coercion, or sex with an unconscious person who later objects constitutes rape. The perpetrator should spend a substantial amount of time in prison.