Some would. A few who have a “Viking disposition” would thrive in a disordered society. There would be “wannabes” who believe they have a “Viking disposition,” but would discover otherwise. The rest of us appreciate civilization. We understand that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks. We realize that if it collapses, the “Vikings” would collect the women, and the rest of us would gain no benefit from women needing men.
I am not concerned about women who say they don’t need men.
Nevertheless, civilization will collapse, sooner or later, regardless of what anyone wants. Like individuals, civilizations have a lifespan. They are born, they grow up, they age, and they die. The average lifespan of a civilization is 336 years:
It has often occurred to me that feminism requires an ordered, stable society for it to thrive.
My comment will make more sense if you read it as a smart-alec retort. It is hyperbole, intended to express my observation that men will do what they can to procure sexual access to women.