The purpose of the "language lesson" was to explain the irony I discerned in your choice of wording. It appears I was not successful, so I'll just let it rest.
I cited three simple lines that basically said, "Accept responsibility for yourself and face your challenges."
This would be uncontroversially sound advice in any world outside of the Bizarro World.
Yet, you seem determined to interpret it as creating some unreasonable expectation (or any expectation) of some Borg collective called "women." You are entitled to that interpretation. I have no interest in persuading you otherwise. I never try to tell others what they should think, but in this case, I think differently.
It looks like the proximity of He Who Shall Not Be Named, causes otherwise rational individuals to dissociate from reality (which is why he shall not be named). I know nothing about HWSNBN other than my occasional encounter with others commenting about him on the internet. My impression is that to some he is a wise guru and to others he is the personification of evil. I have no opinion either way. I would ignore him if he did not persistently turn up in internet discourse.
HWSNBN is irrelevant to me. Good advice is good advice regardless of whether it happens to come from HWSNBN or from somewhere else. I don't need HWSNBN or anyone else to tell me that being responsible for myself and facing my challenges is a good idea. I have always considered it a good idea. I'm certainly not going to decide it's a bad idea because the wrong person said it. That is what I think; you are welcome to believe otherwise if that is what you wish.
I am totally lost as to how facing challenges and taking responsibility for oneself places some collective, unfair burden on women, but if that's what you believe, then that's what you believe. Who am I to tell you different.