It doesn’t offend me. It is irrelevant; I don’t care one way or the other about it.
I realize that sociologists use the term “patriarchy” to denote a particular social arrangement between men and women.
However, it is a term commonly applied to encompass every social evil and social ill, every misbehavior, and every form of maltreatment imaginable.
It reminds me of another term often applied similarly (if I may be so bold as to cite another biblical reference) — Satan. I know, I know, the author who introduced the idea of Satan was steeped in the cultural myths of his time, etc., etc. The analogy has absolutely no validity. I understand all that. Still, the comparison kind of jumps out at me. I can’t help it.
I encourage you to continue exposing the ills and evils that you are aware of and to illustrate that they are not universal. You are welcome to apply the term patriarchy if you find it relevant. I do not find it so, but no offense will be taken.
The defense rests.
I’ll put “The Dawn of Everything” on my reading list. It is a long list. To give some perspective, my thirteen-year-old granddaughter suggested I read the Harry Potter series. I told her I would put it on my reading list. I am now in the middle of that series. My granddaughter is now twenty-eight years old and just married. That should give you an idea of how long my reading list is.
When I was in town for the wedding, she offered to lend me her copy of the one Harry Potter book I could not find at last summer’s yard sales and used book sales. I declined since we live 1000 miles apart, and it would not be easy for me to return it.
There’s always next summer.