I'd call it "having a temper tantrum when not getting one's own way." It is the act of an immature individual. Immature individuals of any age may throw a tantrum when not getting their own way. That can include yelling and cursing a banker for turning down his or her loan application. Mature individuals do not consider it acceptable, but some people will do it anyway.
The behaviors that you classify as "entitlement" are consistent with the range of behaviors displayed by members of any population experiencing a scarcity of any essential resource. They aggressively pursue the scarce resource. They test limits and push boundaries in pursuit of the resource. They act as if they were entitled to acquire an adequate supply of the scarce resource.
I don't play video games online, so I cannot perform the experiment that you suggested. However, I do not doubt that we treat women differently than men. I, myself, would treat someone differently if I thought she was a woman than if I thought he was a man.
You have probably been on the receiving end of catcalling more often than I have, so I presume you are more familiar with the practice. I have never been on the receiving end of catcalling, nor do I engage in it. However, I don't imagine that it would bother me much if I were to be catcalled by a woman, not even a disgusting old woman. Men tend to be less susceptible to distress when receiving uninvited sexual attention from a woman than a woman receiving such attention from a man.
I realize that some married people, both men, and women, are unfaithful and cruel to their spouses. I was expressing idealism when I wrote that I hoped they were not. I have a former wife who was unfaithful. She left me so she could be with her boyfriend. Their relationship lasted until he cheated on her. Less than a year later, I was seeing my current wife. We have been together for almost thirty years. We have always been kind and faithful to each other."