“But I don’t understand your explanation.”
I will try to clarify. I hope you understand what I mean, whether you agree or not.
Nurturing behavior is an aspect of human nature.
- Human individuals are predisposed as a result of evolutionary forces to interact.
- Interaction leads to structured societies.
- The specific structure that emerges depends upon the conditions and circumstances experienced by the population.
- As children interact with members of the population, they absorb the culture. There are minor individual differences in how each person practices the culture.
- Cultural practices evolve as conditions and circumstances change.
Those five points describe the natural process through which nurture occurs. Nurture is nature.
I hope that explains the meaning I intend to convey through the expression “nurture is nature.” You are welcome to challenge any or all of the five points if you disagree with them. Those points describe what I mean when I say nurture is nature; it is a natural process.
.In your twins example, each twin underwent a nurturing process, each occurring under different circumstances and producing different results.
“Nurture is nature” is a phase I conceived to respond to feminists who claimed that men intentionally designed society to benefit themselves at women’s expense. I intended for it to provoke a conversation.
I hope you understand what I mean, whether you agree with it or not.