I like the term "bungee-poster."
HUMAN [R]EVOLUTION and Kasahara appear to have different writing styles. HUMAN [R]EVOLUTION focuses on excoriating men as the root of all evil. Kasahara focuses on denying any obligation towards men.
I find them both more amusing than annoying. They exude a sense of desperation and futility.
A few months ago, HUMAN [R]EVOLUTION actually wrote a comment offering empathy, support, and encouragement to a man who was depressed over his inability to establish romantic relationships. Maybe she related to his sense of desperation and futility. I even clapped for that comment. It suggested that she may have more depth than she commonly displays.
I am a little bit disappointed. It might be interesting to get her involved in a dialogue, but she will not allow it. I wonder if she lacks self-confidence.
Kasahara has not been around as long, so I haven't had as much opportunity to form a detailed analysis. As I noted, she is more willing to engage in dialogue, but her comments lack substance. If she has any depth, it has yet to be displayed.