I hereby appoint you as chief justice to the appeals court and appeal my case to your court.
“Why would we all be miserable?”
We would not necessarily all be miserable. I was speaking hypothetically. A state of equality could occur with everyone being equally miserable. If that were to happen, would you be satisfied? Would you prefer a situation where no one was miserable, but everyone was not equal over a situation where everyone was equally miserable? My intention in asking is to demonstrate why equality is not my highest priority.
Equality means to me that each individual is of equal value to every other individual in the eyes of God. That is always so, even if it is not universally recognized.
“That does not mean that I want to become a man — important difference.”
Is it possible that the qualities that make men men are the same qualities that allow men to have the freedoms they have? For that matter, what are those freedoms that men have, and women lack?
When I was growing up most middle-class women were stay-at-home moms, known, at that time, as homemakers (because they made a house a home). I have not observed any improvement in general economic well-being now that that is no longer the case. In fact, there has been a reduction. When most women were homemakers, a middle-class man normally earned enough to finance a family with a single income. Today, it would be difficult for a family to survive on a single income. I can’t see that society at large has gained economically from women leaving the home and entering the workforce.
From my point of view, I can’t say for sure that the gains outweigh the losses under the current system. I suspect that plenty of women might feel the same. Regardless, I recognize that society is not likely to return to the breadwinner/homemaker system anytime soon. That is reality, and I am a realist.
Affirmative action that favors women can only work against me. Feminism as a movement and an ideology has nothing to offer me.
The defense rests.
“Love the energy.”
Thanks. I appreciate your ability to express original thought rather than simply reciting worn-out principles of orthodox Feminist ideology that have been repeated ad nauseam.