I got it; then I decided I didn't want it, so I gave it back.
"One commenter wrote..."
One commenter?
I am tempted to change my name to "One Commenter," but I'll resist that temptation for now.
I try to avoid using cliches. But when two of your three examples come from my one comment, when you have 25 or so from which to choose, it is hard to avoid the cliche about me living rent-free in your head.
Your question - "Who are your favorite athletes? What are their genders?" - did not ask for introspection, therefore I offered none. Since you have indicated that you would like introspection, I will oblige.
Sport is a form of entertainment. The only criterion I apply in selecting entertainment is, as I stated in my response: "Do I enjoy it?" It happens I can enjoy women's sports. But I would always choose a football game over any other sport. If there were a women's professional football league, I would probably watch it. It could be interesting.
You correctly identified one obstacle. Women's sporting events are not widely broadcast. Rarely does a women's sporting event appear on one of the few channels that we receive on our antenna.
Is it possible that women's sporting events are not broadcast because they are not popular? Or is their lack of popularity due to their not being broadcast? I can guess what your answer would be. Mine would be, "I don't know."
I recognize no obligation to patronize women's sports merely to promote a social reform agenda. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy women's sports. It just isn't a priority.
I wrote a short piece about women's sports. If you care to read it, here it is.
I am generally aware of who interrupts whom. I don't need to perform an "exercise." In my corner of the world, people rarely interrupt or talk over one another. When someone does, it is no more likely to be a man talking over a woman than vice versa. Sorry if you are disappointed.
Your demand that your readers answer your list of statements with a simple yes or no evokes the image of a prosecuting attorney in a TV courtroom drama.
You assume that anyone who declines to obey your orders must agree with you? I'm afraid assuming so doesn't make it so. I wish that were the case. There are many things I would like to conjure by the mere act of assuming - but alas....
Your exercises and statements are loaded with implications. It is reasonable for readers to identify and comment on those implications.
Simple agreement or disagreement with your list of statements fails to account for the nuances of thought that might accompany the issues they raise.
I will give you an example.
You state:
-In a heterosexually paired couple, women should not automatically be responsible for more of the housework or chores.
-Similarly, if one member of a heterosexually paired couple has to stay home to watch their child(ren), it should not automatically be the woman.
My response:
-Individual couples are free to arrange their lives however they choose. How they do so is none of your business.
That is a valid and reasonable response to the above statements. It cannot be expressed with a simple agreement or disagreement. Sorry, I am not inclined to blindly obey your orders.
Yours truly,
One commenter