I find it curious that you prefer to have me search for your article rather than exercise the simple expedient of supplying a link. However, since that is your preference, I did seek and find the article (assuming that it is this one: “Different Shades of Beauty Standards”).
Unfortunately, it is to no avail. Your article is only available to paid Medium members and being the cheapskate that I am, I am a non-paying member. I was able to read the comments and give you a few claps, that is all.
If you consider this dialogue unproductive, that is your prerogative. I find that the most solid ideas are those that have been forged in the crucible of adversarial debate. The strong ones emerge stronger. The weak ones perish.
Are you really equating foot binding to bleaching one’s hair?
I know plenty of women who do not conform to modern beauty standards. They are ordinary, average women. Some are even below average in regard to beauty standards. They have husbands and children. They are prosperous and content with their lives.
Women can live rich, full lives without conforming to any beauty standards.
As I understand you, you believe that beauty standards are intentionally created and imposed by men. I think that beauty standards emerge unintentionally from men’s personal preferences.
Those conflicting beliefs constitute an unresolved difference of opinion between the two of us.
We agree that beauty standards exist, whether imposed or emergent or due to preferences or mandates. I would like to learn what steps you would take to eradicate them.