I do enjoy making people laugh. Sometimes I can even draw a laugh from a normally angry feminist:
Angry feminists are amusing.
I have a propensity to make smart-alec remarks. My wife once said that my father should have named me Alex. Sometimes, I will remark on something and she will respond, “OK Alex!” I know exactly what she means when she says that.
In my experience, sound logic and reasoning are never as persuasive as charming personality. I try to answer rudeness with courtesy. I will never get involved in an argument over an unresolvable issue, one that might degenerate into a Monty Python Argument Clinic:
You are free to borrow the line and modify it as you see fit. I think I’ll keep it as is. I have another line that includes a demand for a refund. When I am gratuitously insulted I write: “If you’re going to insult me, I expect the insults to be original and creative. I won’t accept tired, worn out insults that have been used over and over. You can do better and I expect you to from now on. If you continue to use the same old stale insults I will return them to you and demand a refund.”
Here is a comment where you might try your modified version of the “got it and gave it back” line:
I’ll be curious to see your modified version.