I am not like "many men;" I am Estwald. I am one of a kind.
I am focused on one aspect of the article, and you are focused on another. The part I am focused on is not the "happiness" part; it's the cheating part.
"The author is advocating women choosing to be happy over anything else."
She is advocating choosing to cheat to be happy. As I said, cheating is a measure of one's character. One can choose other means to be happy.
I never liked going to work to earn a living. You might say it has made me unhappy. But, I have figured a way out; I’m going to stop working and start stealing the things I need. I’ll probably start with shoplifting and go from there.
Better still, I’ll try calling people on the phone and telling them that they owe unpaid, delinquent taxes. I’ll tell them that they must pay me immediately and that an officer is waiting outside who will arrest them if they don’t pay now.
Cheating people out of money is no worse than cheating on one’s spouse. I'm just choosing to be happy over everything else.
If ending a marriage is necessary to avoid misery, after having made a good faith effort to repair the marriage, there are more ethical ways than cheating to proceed.
If an aggrieved husband or wife feels that he or she would be better off alone than continuing the marriage, then a divorce may be in order. If one retains one's spouse until finding a substitute, that is a sign of a severe character flaw. Among other faults, shows a lack of courage.
The aggrieved spouse should proceed gently. They should help their partner understand that the marriage is unworkable, that they are not able to successfully share their lives. If successful in reaching that understanding, they can arrange a divorce without rancor and conflict. They can arrange to cooperatively co-parent their children. The children will not have to cope with the betrayal involved with an affair.
Once each former spouse has adjusted to their new status, they can, if they choose, consider a new relationship.
If there are, as you say, women who are "...realizing that marriage is trash and benefits men and it’s not for them...," then I would expect those women would not get married in the first place. There would then be no question of them cheating on anyone.
An affair is never justified. It is a betrayal of trust and an act of cowardice.
I am inclined to challenge any expression of approval of cheating on one's spouse.
"This article should make most men uneasy because it showing how unhappy women are in marriages."
Women's collective state of happiness (or the lack thereof) is not one of my primary concerns. I am in a happy marriage. I know I am happy. Just today, my wife was telling me how happy she is. I'm sure we are not the only ones in a mutually happy marriage. I'm sorry if you have not achieved a similar state of happiness. I wish you the best of luck in your efforts to do so.
This article concerns me because it expresses approval of cheating.