Hi Tiffany. It's good to hear from you again.😎
You misunderstand. I don't actually think women have less of a conscience, any more than I believe men are flawed. Cindy seemed to be implying that men are inherently flawed and deserve to be cheated. Her implication conveyed a derogatory view of men. My initial comment to her was a smart-alec retort, challenging her implication by implying that women, rather than men, are flawed.
I was demonstrating how studies can be interpreted to reflect whatever conclusion one wishes to draw.
I don't actually think anyone is flawed by virtue of their sex. It was intended as a smart-alec retort, because I am a natural smart-alec. My wife once said that my father should have named me Alex. Sometimes, when I make a smart-alec remark, she'll look at me and say, "Okay, Alex!" I know exactly what she means.
My smart-alec retort to Cindy does not reflect my actual views of men and women. I have a dim view of cheaters of either sex.
The article you linked is interesting. It reinforces my view that cheaters are conscience-challenged. It is focused on men, but I would suppose that the same could apply to women. Cheaters of both sexes are conscience-challenged.
Psychology Today has other articles on the subject of infidelity. Here is one describing a study that included both men and women and took samples from the general population, not just Ashley Madison Participants.
It concludes that cheaters are able to circumvent normal guilt.
Your analysis of the Ashley Madison study was enlightening. If only 5% of the participants are men, probably very few men actually find a cheating partner through the site. Men pay a fee and most get nothing. No wonder they are less satisfied.
Among my circle of friends and acquaintances, I know of none, neither men nor women, who seek outside guidance with relationships. They seem to do fine muddling along on their own. I suspect the primary aim of most "dating coaches" is to coach clients to take money out of their pockets and hand it over to the coach. I'm cynical that way.