Hello, Judge Lena. 😎
Your Honor, I am acting as council for the defense:
“…the principle of equality…”
…equality according to whom? Why should I prioritize equality above all else? Would you be happy if we were all equally miserable?
Why should women want to be equal to men? What makes men the standard against which you strive to be measured?
We are all equal when we are dead.
I derived my definition of Feminism from my observation of Feminists’ actual words and deeds. The Wikipedia definition is likely the product of Feminist editors. It omits any details specifying what constitutes “equality of the sexes.”
I understand that Feminists would like me to believe that Feminism is interested in advancing the interests of men. If I were convinced of that, I would be encouraged to actively support Feminists’ goals. That would certainly benefit Feminists.
If I were seeking employment, affirmative action programs that favor women would not be operating in my best interests.
President Obama’s “Dear Colleague” letter is contrary to my best interests.
Mandatory “affirmative consent” works against my best interests.
Feminists often express their expectations regarding men’s conduct, their thoughts, and the content of their conversations. It is not usually in my best interest to conform to those expectations.
… the judge” will say that you are not a feminist.
The Judge has ruled. 👌