Gosh. I don't know what to say. I never thought of myself as very remarkable. Just an ordinary guy trying to live life the best way I know how. At times, sorrow and tragedy have landed at my doorstep. Other times I have experienced joy and celebration.
Life is a series of tragic events punctuated by joyous occasions. Live for the joys and deflect the sorrows. Sorrows do have value since they allow one to appreciate the joys. We learn that when a tragedy occurs, joy is around the next corner.
I have learned that sometimes I can bring comfort to one who is experiencing sorrow by describing my experiences. Especially with someone who is a novice at coping with tragedy.
Forgiveness is natural for me since I am too lazy to hold a grudge (or rather than "lazy" I should say I am "ambitionally disabled").😎 There is no cause to hold a grudge. It turned out well for me. My former wife, my daughter's mother, is still a family member. I think of her as a "generic relative" similar to an aunt or a cousin. She is still friendly with my sister and sister-in-law. She and I correspond occasionally by email. She attends most family events.
When my daughter got married in '17, her mom and I walked her down the aisle together. Mom was there with the man she was sharing a home with, and I was there with my wife. We were all content with the situation. We all enjoyed each other's company. It is a miracle how everything came out. Our lives are full of contentment.
In one way my mother is watching out for me. She raised me for 12 years, and her lessons are still with me. I often ask myself, "What would mom have to say about this?" One lucky break, dad was not in the car when the accident occurred. He stayed home because he had the flu.
I do hope that you and your boyfriend can develope harmony. Finding a person worthy of sharing your life is a rarity. It is like finding a gemstone in a pile of rubble.
There may be someone waiting for my story, but hardly "everyone." My stories have few readers. I write them because I want to record significant events in my life, to make a record of them. I will tag you when it is posted. Be patient I am a slow writer. I'm also working on the third chapter of my wandering journey. So I am working on two stories at once.