Every word of this story is true (except the people's names). I couldn't make this up no matter how hard I tried. It would be beyond my imagination. Sometimes, truth really is stranger than fiction.
Such a positive review warrants the 50 claps I gave. It is an honor to receive such praise.
Since my intent is to recount the actual events, I can't incorporate your suggestions even if they would improve the story. I agree, certain events are difficult to believe, but they occurred just as I have described. I would have trouble believing them myself if I hadn't experienced them.
I retrieved the letter exactly as explained. I was indeed surprised that she played right into my hands, as I hoped. She never knew that I retrieved it. As it turned out it was of no consequence. I never used it. I don't know if I still have it. I'd have to rummage through my old papers.
Normally, Linda kept track of the finances. She deposited my paychecks and wrote checks to pay the bills. She would not have anticipated my looking in the drawer.
I do like your suggestion to have the letter to Regina (Snake-Lips) pre-written and listen for any phone calls. If I had thought of it, or if you had been there to suggest it😎, I might have done that. Anyway, I ended up having enough of an advantage to get exactly what I wanted.
On the other hand, Linda might have been too stunned to even think of making phone calls. It would be tricky. What if Regina answered the phone?
Linda never gave any indication that she suspected I had listened to phone calls. She never questioned how I knew what I knew. She didn't know about the loose wire in the garage loft. The phone had a short broadcast range. Without that wire, the broadcast would not carry outside the house.
By the way, I don't use the term "AP." I use "CP," and I always spell it out. He's not an "affair partner," he's a "cheating partner."
In the end, I chose to be magnanimous in victory. That is my way.