Equality according to whom?
“ Anyone who stands against women rights is my enemy…”
How unfortunate. Personally, I consider having enemies to be way too much trouble, but I admire your ambition. I would rather consider those whose interests are in conflict with my own as merely adversaries rather than full fledged enemies; it takes much less effort.
I don’t believe that I would consider women having more sick leave days than men to be a right. It would be more accurately described as a courtesy.
“…and an enemy to all women.”
Actually there are plenty of women who don’t consider me their enemy. That probably means that I am not standing against their rights. I’m sorry if I’m standing against yours; I’ll see if I can find another place to stand.
“Attempting to use your voice to oppress others…”
Oppressing people by merely using my voice? Reminds me of an episode of Star Trek.
“Might I suggest taking a philosophy class.”
I am already the world’s foremost expert on my own opinion.
I might enjoy taking a philosophy class sometime, but it’s not high on my list of priorities right now. Besides, by the time I have completed a philosophy class this conversation will likely have ended.
How would my taking a philosophy class alter these observations?
1) You cannot prevent others from having an opinion.
2) You cannot prevent others from advocating for their own best interests.
3) You cannot control whose opinions someone considers relevant.
Those are observations of reality rather than moral issues.
If you know of a particular philosophy class that will teach me how to do all those things please refer me to it. I might just raise its position higher on my list of priorities.