But I was the first. I am the inventor of the term. I am pleased to see that it is catching on. Please pass it along.
I meant it as a smart-alec remark, nothing more. Because, after all, I am a born smart-alec. My wife once said that my father should have named me "Alex." When she responds to one of my remarks by saying, "Okay, Alex!" I know exactly what she means.
You are laughing; I can tell you are, whether you admit it or not. Come on, let it out. I know I laugh when I hear the term "mansplaining."
It is of no concern to me when women talk among themselves about their lives and experiences. I am only concerned when Feminists express expectations regarding my conduct, my thoughts, or the content of my conversations. I oppose Feminists who seek to impose coercive or restrictive measures designed to force me to conform to their expectations. I am speaking here about Feminists, not women.
Anyway, that's my sexplanation.
I have more to say about the subject of sexplaining. If you are interested, you will find it here.